The laborers have been requesting a roll back of the expanded power duties.

The strike has impacted Tiruppur and Coimbatore, two regions in Tamil Nadu where the greatest number of force looms are arranged. As per industry sources, 1.75 lakh power looms in these two locale are closed because of the strike.

At the point when reached, the leader of the power loom unit weavers in Coimbatore and Tiruppur, C. Palaniswamy said, “The strike has today entered the fourth day and this has prompted a deficiency of Rs 35 crore each day. The creation of 1 crore meter length of texture has additionally been impacted because of the strike.”

Two lakh laborers are straightforwardly utilized and one more three lakh are by implication utilized in the power looms spread across Palladam and Somannur region of the two locale where the greatest grouping of units are available.

The laborers are in dejection as practically these specialists don’t have the foggiest idea about some other calling. They had led a strike in January for a climb in compensation, however the strike was canceled in Spring.

The expansion in cotton and yarn costs since May has likewise placed a break on the development of material from power looms. The current strike will likewise straightforwardly influence the specialists as closing down the influence looms implies no positions and consequently no cash.

Shanmuganathan T., a power loom weaver from Palladam while addressing IANS said, “I don’t know when the strike will reach a conclusion. We had strikes for wage climbs in January 2022 and went on for a very long time before it was canceled in Spring.

The power looms were shut because of expansion in costs of cotton and yarn and with the power tax climb, there is again a closure. Every one of these are straightforwardly influencing the specialists and we don’t have the foggiest idea what to do else as we have been prepared for this as it were.”

He said that the new power duty climb will put a higher weight of Rs 8,000 – Rs 9,000 on each power loom unit each month which is a significant increment, all things considered.

— Ajitweekly (@Ajitweekly1) September 19, 2022

The power loom weavers likewise request that the expansion in fixed charges over 750 units of force for a unit was likewise making a weight on them.