“He crept through the entryway that the teddies emerge from, and climbed his direction up the chute into the machine,” she told Storyful — adding that he was “extremely content with himself.”


Obviously, he was unable to remain in the machine for eternity.

After the fire unit was called to help, Larsen and her accomplice, Troy Wright, figured out how to get him out — despite the fact that it required some work. “It was quite difficult to get him out, on the grounds that as he was throwing the toys down the chute, it was somewhat obstructing it, such as stopping up it,” Wright told Australia’s 7NEWS.

Added his mother, “It’s similar to him to follow through with something like this.”

“His nickname is Dennis the Hazard for an explanation,” she told 7NEWS.

Eventually, Larsen told Storyful that Brooklyn “wound up slithering down in reverse” to escape the machine.

Be that as it may, relax, he didn’t return home with nothing. As per 7NEWS, the baby left with two new toys.