Thusly, his puzzling passing has been covered on the July 17 episode of Dateline and the new update for the situation will stun even the most subsequent to watching the show. Later severe examination, Dr.Nunez was captured for Tom Kolman’s homicide.

Tom and DR. Nunez have remained companions, and they had likewise traded a large number of messages in the days, and following seven days, Tom was viewed as dead. At the point when an examination was led, specialists discovered that Tom Kolman died with Midazolam in his frameworks.

This sedation drug is essentially utilized by his closest companion, the prestigious dental hygienist Dr. Nunez. Having been in New York City for around 20 years, Tom has carried on with an apparently untainted life up to this point.

He had a steady employment, a caring spouse, Linda, and was additionally honored with four kids are Bradley Kolman, Jillian Kolman, Ryan Kolman, and Brooke Hines. Notwithstanding, the ideal everyday life all came into question in late 2011 later the strange passing of Tom.

Despite the fact that Tom’s significant other Linda arrived from the get go, she was the one to track down his better half’s dead body. Peruse the full article to realize what was the main source that happened to this case.

As I previously referenced, Tom Kolam was died due to Midazolam in his frameworks which is just utilized by non-other than his closest companion, Dr. Nunez.

— Traciy Curry-Reyes (@Traciyreyes) November 5, 2016

Tom was 44 years of age when he was passed ways. On the evening of November 29, 2011, in the Kingston Planet Fitness parking garage in Ulster County, New York, he was tracked down dead in the passenger seat of his own vehicle.

Which later numerous examinations, ahs has done it, and it reached a conclusion realizing the killer is non-other than his own dearest companion, dental hygenist Dr.Nunez.

According to the report, Dr. Nunez and Linda had become cozy, which has been affirmed by Dr. Nunez. Thusly, he sent photographs to Tom that uncovered the undertaking between them.